求助Suede歌迷:<<The next life>> 歌词词义及其背景

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 00:56:05



To 小船:any more information?

LS说的没错,这歌是Brett写给他去世的母亲的。具体这歌要表达什么,个人有个人的理解吧,下面是suede官方传记"Love and Poison"中,关于这歌的一些叙述,打出来供LZ参考吧:

......Charlie was awe-struck the first time he heard "The Next Life", a stark ballad comprised of Bernard's first serious piano part and a soaring falsetto from Brett that echoed the best bits of "She's Leaving Home" by the Beatles. "I think it was in Leicester, in a slopey-floored dressing room with a crappy old piano in it," he remembers. "Saul had just pitched up from London and Bernard went, 'Oi, have a listen to this!' Brett, I'm sure he didn't lie across the piano like Marlene Dietrich, but he did lean against it, or sat on it or something. And Brett just stared at the ceiling singing it and we were all like, 'Fuck! That's amazing!'"..........

.........all the latter-day lyrics for the first album were directly influenced by extremely personal and emotional experiences in Bre